423-637-6991 [email protected]

Targeted Gifts for Clinical Care

As a private foundation the NeuroScience Innovation Foundation is required to donate at least 5% of assets to community- based clinical programs. In addition to the above, this also includes donations for equipment and training to relevant hospital and other clinical care. From 2020 through 2021 donated $59,000 to Memorial CHI to purchase tele-medicine equipment, stroke nurse training and an initial payment to acquire video streaming systems that record neurointervention procedures in the angio-suite at CHI Memorial. Video streaming is an ideal teaching tool for physicians and medical support staff.  So far in 2022, NIF has funded an additional $24,000 for nurse training and pledged an addition $24,000 to underwrite video streaming equipment in the Angio suite at CHI Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga.

NSIF_ Gifts

Developing Tomorrow’s Medical Breakthrough Technologies Today


725 Glenwood Drive,
Rm 880-A
Chattanooga, TN 37404

© NeuroScience Innovation Foundation 2023

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